Thursday, February 27, 2020

Final exam Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Final exam - Term Paper Example They can work for an unlimited number of years allowing them to refrain from political pressure. Moreover, the constitution prohibits slashing of judges’ salaries implying that neither the executive nor the legislature can threaten to demote these judges. Although the American constitution binds all courts, the judicial branch has the authority to construe the law. Courts are dependable for making the eventual choice regarding the law. Additionally, the judicial branch has the authority to consider all actions of the executive and legislative branch and deem any action that breaches the constitution as void (Zelden, 2007). Therefore, the judicial branch enjoys power called judicial review and uses it sparingly. The role of the executive branch is enforcing the law, with the president being the head (Neubauer, 2011). The president must swear to protect the country’s constitution before taking office. This branch comprises of the president and all other individuals that f all within the president’s purview such as appointees and administrative agencies. However, the president can neither establish legislation nor intrude the legislative branch. The legislative branch makes the country’s laws. Moreover, the American congress vests all legislative powers and comprises of a senate and House of Representatives (Little& Ogle, 2006). Apparently, the congress’ role within the government is legislation. Additionally, statutes refer to laws enacted by the congress. Apparently, the American constitution grants the congress the authority to make laws. Question 2: Theories behind administrative agencies Administrative agencies undertake diverse government functions such as making rules (Beermann, 2010). Regulations refer to rules made by the named agencies and assist in monitoring the activities of individuals governed by the agency and agency’s employees. Another function of these regulations is ensuring consistent law application. O ne theory behind administrative agencies is collective action theory. Apparently, this theory seeks to comprehend how individual groups have the ability to cooperate, with an intention of overcoming social dilemmas and assumes self-interest as the default position. A behavioral technique to joint action initiates with this argument; individuals have evolved the ability to learn cooperation standards and social regulations that have enhanced group success. Apparently, individual actions depend largely on social context. An example to illustrate this theory is organizing a demonstration because it entails considerable collective action. Therefore, administrative agencies enact regulations that they deem as the legislative intent The free market theory stipulates that in an unregulated environment, supply and demand naturally attain equilibrium, thereby achieving maximum social good. Generally, this theory implies that despite existence of misunderstandings amid two parties, they will still reach a compromise. An example to illustrate this theory is conflict resolution. Apparently, for both parties to reach a common understanding, both parties need to give their verdict regarding the issue. Similarly, administrative agencies propose regulations and allow interested parties to give their verdict. The fairness and redistribution theory advocates for fair justice to all individuals. It says that individuals advocate for fair rights and equivalent distribution of benefits. An example to il

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Allegories as intented in the morality plays Essay

Allegories as intented in the morality plays - Essay Example For others, the term goes much deeper, to include characters, props, space and even time. Confronted with many perspectives, it is important, as a starting point, to pose one guiding definition of what this paper means by the notion of allegory. According to the Columbia Encyclopedia, an allegory serves as a â€Å"disguised representation for meanings other than those indicated on the surface.† The allegory is indeed a figure of speech by which meaning can be produced and, as it has to be sought beyond the actual appearance of things, it requires, according to its level of subtleties, an active mental involvement on the part of its pursuer. On a first surface level, the allegory is concerned with a narrative and the forms assumed by this latter. Independently of the type of narrative involved in the story, may it be prose, verse, drama or simply oral speech, the commonest type of allegory pertains to the storyline. The author narrates his/her events in a certain fashion and he/she orders them according to his/her inclinations. The careful selection of words or a deliberate misuse of them taints the story with a certain atmosphere. Identifiable themes emerge according to sections or passages, and these emerging themes are often played out and interwoven among themselves. They offer a plus-value to a narrative plot for they grant it with alternative meanings and interpretations. Not only is the narrative embellished by this process, but most importantly it acquires new significance and depth. By this rhetorical means, a drama may well contain traits belonging to a slapstick comedy or vice-versa a jolly light-hearted come dy may indeed reveal itself to be tragic and dreadful. As mentioned above, the delimitations of themes as well as their intrinsic refinements are seldom made explicit and often call for the reader’s own expertise and undeniably his/her willingness in finding